29 reasons

I just spotted the following text.  I do not agree with everything the guy writes, but half of it is enough for us, common earthlings, to start wetting our pants.

The title of the article is : "Twenty-Nine Reasons to Be Angry And/Or Scared." "If you're not both angry and scared at the world's current situation, you're not paying attention."

The man then states the 29 reasons, some of which hold water, some of which do not. Read : http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/06/twenty-nine_reasons_to_be_angry_andor_scared.html.

And then, up to the finale :

"There is another item I could have added to this list, but it is too complex and much bigger and scarier than those above. It deals with the notion that most of the above problems do not result from this particular economic crisis. To be sure, most were exposed as a result of the current crisis, but that merely determined the timing of their revelation. Something else, much bigger and more permanent seems to be at play.

An economic crisis implies something of a relatively short duration with an eventual return to whatever represents a "normal" state. Recessions are cyclical. But so too was the Great Depression. While it lasted longer and was more severe than a recession, conditions returned to normal within a reasonable period of time.

What we are in, it appears to me, is the beginning of a massive secular change that will alter the way we view countries, economies and institutions. It is much bigger than an economic cycle and likely will represent an epic movement in terms of history. The history books a hundred or more years from now will recognize what happened more clearly than contemporary participants will be able to do. The changes will be massive and glacier-like in movement. No generation alive today will see the end of this massive secular change."

Massive secular change ? In this life nothing is certain, but you can count on that !

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