"There are more people in slavery
today than at any time in human history - but campaigners think the world is
close to a tipping point and that slavery may be abolished in the next 30 years.
The estimated number of people in slavery - 27 million - is more than double the total number believed to have been taken from Africa during the transatlantic slave trade.
Ship records make it possible to estimate the number of slaves transported from Africa to the Americas and the Caribbean, from the 16th Century until the trade was banned in 1808 - and the figure is about 12.5 million people.
The figure of 27 million slaves today comes from researcher Kevin Bales, of Free the Slaves - who blames the huge figure on rapid population growth, poverty and government corruption.
Many people still think of slavery as a thing of the
past, but it exists in many forms, on every continent - ranging from sex and
labour trafficking, to debt bondage where people are forced to work off small
Read : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19831913.
May all the slave keepers and slave runners die in the worst possible pains !
May all the slave keepers and slave runners die in the worst possible pains !
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