"Scientists believe they've found the first evidence that our universe is just one of billions out there. So the vast, humbling expanse surrounding our little speck of a planet is actually just a tiny speck in an even vaster, unfathomably humbling expanse.
The theory of billions of other universes has existed for decades, but nobody has found solid evidence to support the theory until now. The scientists who analyzed the Planck data say that there's no other explanation for the unevenly-distributed radiation. They believe they've found definitive proof that there's much more out there than we originally thought.
Read : http://www.policymic.com/articles/75869/this-will-blow-your-mind-there-are-billions-of-universes-like-ours-out-there."
They believe they've found definitive proof that there's much more out there than we originally thought.
If you have proof you don't have to believe that you have it. Got it ?
Inderdaad, geloven begint daar waar harde bewijzen eindigen! Dat geldt ook voor "het" geloof.
En ook, en misschien zelfs vooral voor vele wetenschappelijke "disciplines", die eigenlijk te dikwijls niet meer zijn dan een opstapeling van al dan niet plausibele hypotheses.
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