
" ... America's problem isn't a breakdown in private morality. It's a breakdown in public morality. What Americans do in their bedrooms is their own business. What corporate executives and Wall Street financiers do in boardrooms and executive suites affects all of us.

There is moral rot in America but it's not found in the private behavior of ordinary people. It's located in the public behavior of people who control our economy and are turning our democracy into a financial slush pump. It's found in Wall Street fraud, exorbitant pay of top executives, financial conflicts of interest, insider trading, and the outright bribery of public officials through unlimited campaign "donations." "

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I most certainly do not agree with everything the guy writes :  in my book,  private and public morality are interlinked and public morality cannot turn into a stinking swamp when private morality thrives -  but some of is analyses are sharp and crystal clear.

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