
"In our rush to dialogue with the world, in our accommodation of the ideas (and idols) of modernity, and in our embrace of pastoral activism, we have forgotten the primacy of God, the primacy of the liturgical prayer, the primacy of tradition, and the primacy of grace. This is a fatal blow to the Church in her human element. After all, Our Lord promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church, which means that somewhere she will always survive until the Second Coming of Christ. He never promised that any local church would survive—and just as Islam wiped out Christianity in Africa and Asia Minor in ancient times, so the spirit of compromise with modernity has been wiping out Christianity in the Western world of today. There will always be pockets of faithful Catholics who hold fast to orthodoxy, which means both “right doctrine” and “right worship.” But that there is a crisis of faith, and that this crisis has been precipitated by the poor decisions and the faulty philosophy of the ecclesiastical hierarchy over the past half-century, only a man deaf and blind could deny."

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Who is right, and who is wrong ? My brain shows me one way, my heart another.

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