I thought that in preparation of the recent mid-term elections a terribly brutal warfare had erupted between republicans and democrats in the US, but not everyone agrees :
" ... far from being in an era of brutal partisan warfare, as conventional wisdom holds and as watching the nightly television news might suggest, the United States is now in the grip of a political duopoly in which both parties are thoroughly complicit. They play a game: they agree to fight viciously over certain things to retain the allegiance of their respective bases, while agreeing not to fight about anything that seriously endangers the privileges of America's new financial elites. Whether this duopoly will endure, and what to do about it, are perhaps the most important questions facing Americans. The current arrangement all but guarantees the continuing decline of the United States as a nation, and of the welfare of the bottom 90% of its citizens."
Read : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-ferguson/the-financial-crisis-and-_1_b_782927.html.
Interesting. Apparently more and more Americans, although still a small minority, understand that their country is losing its grip and its leadership position in the "free world".
1 comment:
More about Obama's sell-out to the rich : http://www.counterpunch.org/hudson11152010.html.
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