Once upon a time

"One Sunday morning you may be sitting there peacefully with your family during what seems like a perfectly normal church service when a team of men dressed in camo comes storming in and starts shooting at people indiscriminately with automatic weapons.  Once upon a time, such a thing would have been absolutely unimaginable in America, but now things have completely changed.  In fact, as you will see below, something like this almost happened a little over a week ago at a hotel in South Dakota where approximately 500 people had gathered for a Christian conference.  This is a time when ministries are going to have to start paying extra attention to security, because Islamic terrorists are going to be specifically targeting Christians and churches."

Read : http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/we-have-entered-a-time-when-islamic-gunmen-will-be-specifically-targeting-christians-and-churches-in-america.

"Absolutely unimaginable" ??  Wholesale slaughter is nothing new in the USA. The author probably suffers from very selective blindness.

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