
I have known for a long time that growth - at recent rates - is not sustainable unless some "deus ex machina's" are invented. And one or two will not do : we shall need a lot of them.

I must admit I don't know the speaker, but right at the start of his speech he admits to being a dogmatic. Nevertheless, there is a lot of truth in what he says. There was a lot of truth in the publications of the club of Rome and even of Malthus too, and nothing very much has changed and  the world has not come to an end yet.

Up to now, mankind has been able to continually surprise and reinvent itself for better and for worse. What about the future ? I do not like this type of brilliant "I know it all" - oversimplifying by focusing on some trend - American presentations. I have heard dozens of them in my time, and most of them have disappeared in the mists of time together with their authors.

But I am not optimistic.

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

I found the video on :