
I have planned an international train trip on Friday. I need a train from Ghent to Brussels and one from Brussels to Bordeaux. I estimate the probability of arriving in Bordeaux on Friday afternoon at less than 20 %.

Even if the strike is terminated tomorrow evening at 2200 hours, it will take a couple of days to get all the trains where they need to be in order to realise a more or less "normal' flow of trafic.

I sincerely hope I shall be proven wrong, but frankly I don't think so. I'll keep you informed.

 Peace !


Pablo Carpintero said...

And, if my forecast proves correct, I wholeheartedly hope that all the strikers be blessed with a serious bout of indigestion on Christmas eve. They have no consideration whatsoever for their customers, why should I have any consideration for them ?

Pablo Carpintero said...

Vanmiddag is er nog een gesprek tussen Q en de vakbonden. Lees :

Misschien is dat wel de zekerste manier om de staking tot minstens na Kerstdag te laten duren ?