Ghent, Belgium

"Its flemish sisters Antwerp and Bruges may be better known, but the town of Ghent, a 30-mile drive northwest of Brussels, has the best of both worlds: stylish new restaurants, bars and boutiques that compete with Antwerp's line centuries-old cobblestoned streets similar to those in Bruges. Together, they bring a palpable energy to this city of roughly 240,000."

Read :
The article brims with superficial, partly ill informed, "outworn" and  trite information as can be expected from an American source for American tourists. But no one is obliged to share my contrarian opinion !

Let's be honest about it : if you want decent shopping and good food : go to Antwerp. If you want a living museum and pretty post cards : go to Bruges. If you want neither fish nor fowl, or a little bit of everything, you're very welcome !
I think.

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