Very soon now we shall be wishing each other a happy, prosperous and healthy new year. Every year I participate in this almost meaningless charade. Our wishes, whether sincere or hypocritical, are grains of sand in the winds of time. Utterly meaningless except as a token of our good will.

With almost statistical certainty, I can state right now that the new year will be worse than the past one.

Not for every individual of course ; if one has lost a loved one, one may hope for less pain and grief. If one is in the throes of abject misery, one may hope for an individual ray of light. If one is out of work, one may hope for a job. If one is sick, one may hope for healing. Some will find what they wish  for ; many others will not.

But for society as a whole, the outlook is grim indeed. And as long as greed rules the world, nothing significant will change for the better. And as long as our political and even our spiritual leaders have lost the way and do not have a bare clue as to what to do and when to do it to promote human happiness (if that has ever been their aim to begin with), the situation can only get worse. And get worse it will.

In my darkest hours, and believe you me, this is not one of them, I am almost convinced that Armageddon is at hand. The last battle before the final collapse into dust of a race that thought it could manage the world, but ended by raping it and by robbing and starving their equals.

Shall I participate in the 2011 charade ? How could I not ? I am a contrarian, but without a bare minimum of political correctness, life becomes totally impossible.

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