Occupy the system

For those who are interested in the USA, read : http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/10/25/occupy-the-system/.

An excerpt :

"There is an anger running rampant across the country. Some on the right are calling it class warfare. People are enraged. Jobs are scarce, the rich continue to get richer while the poor continue to struggle to make ends meet. Indeed, it should be classified as economic warfare, Americans are sick and tired of being pushed around. It is time to shove back.

Pizza man Herman Cain is right. The problem resides in the White House. Herman Cain is wrong. The problem resides on Wall Street. They are, in fact, the same problem: a goutish economic system that enriches the wealthy and impoverishes everyone else, a system that pillages the natural world and tramples on basic human liberties, a system that treats corporations as people and people as commodities."

Aïe, aïe, aïe ... Our financial-economic system is rotten to the core, and close to collapse. But as long as greed dominates the world, all we can expect is that one category of legal thieves replaces the other.

Sometimes, I am glad that I don't have that much time left in this world, which closely resembles a cesspool

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