
"Large corporations have essentially become private governments with an enormous effect on the lives and livelihoods of Americans, but without any accountability to them. The words "corporation" or "company" do not exist in our constitution! This is the antithesis of democracy -- a corporate state run by the few without the consent of the many. The restraint once offered by economic risk has been offset by limited liabilities, government subsidies and bailouts. The power of an effective federal chartering system could instill a new culture of restraint and good behavior within the corporate world, to force corporate bosses to answer to shareholders, to prohibit corporations from lobbying and contributing to electoral campaigns, and from obstructing regulators -- in short, to "constitutionalize the corporation." Corporate attorney Robert Hinkley wrote of ideal corporate charters: "the duty of directors [is] to make money for shareholders, '...but not at the expense of the environment, human rights, the public health or safety, the communities in which the corporation operates or the dignity of its employees.'" Perhaps most importantly, federal charters could end the "legal speak" that has awarded perpetually living, profit-driven corporations even more rights than those held by individual citizens."

Ralp Nader in "How to Tame the Corporation" :

Dat zou inderdaad een stap in de goede richting zijn, maar ik durf me niet uitspreken over de waarschijnlijkheid van zo'n evolutie ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That will not happen until hell freezes over !