American exceptionalism

Read :

and think about it.

"The questions that first raised the idea of American exceptionalism remain pertinent and, to some extent, unresolved.  But in view of what has happened to the term in the current period, it is perhaps best that it be retired.

In its moralized sense, American exceptionalism is a noxious doctrine.  Reduced to its core, it amounts to nothing more than an expression of raw power – one that puts the United States beyond legal or customary constraints, that gives it license to do what it wants because it can.

This was probably not what Obama had in mind by the slogan “yes, we can.”  It is certainly not what his supporters thought he meant.  But it is what his foreign and military policies amount to.  Notwithstanding all the blather “American exceptionalism” has elicited of late, there is nothing more to it than that."

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