Timmermans in Pamel

A significant number of the Timmermans in Pamel have the same ancestor as myself : the long lived Nicolaes Timmermans (Meerbeke 1711 - 1808) who had two wives ; Petronella Van Eesbeke (Meerbeke 1706 - 1772) - my ancestor - and Maria Berlindis Du Mongh (Meerbeke 1745 - 1814).

I am not sure yet how may children Nicolaes sired, but they were numerous - up to now I have collected thirteen names - and the last child I have registered was born ca 1785, when Nicolaes was around 74 years old and Maria was about 40 years of age. I shall abstain from all comments concerning their age ...

But back to Pamel : two of Nicolaes's sons landed in Pamel. Jan Baptist (Meerbeke 1739 - Pamel Poelk 1826) where he had 10 children with Barbara De Leeuw (Pamel 1738 - 1810). Jan Baptist was a full brother of my ancestor Philippus (Meerbeke 1740 - 1814).

Petrus Joannes (Meerbeke 1778 - Pamel Ledeberg 1807) married Francisca Cornelis (Borchtlombeek 1777 - Pamel 1846). They had 4 children and Francisca remarried after his premature death (their marriage lasted but six years). Petrus Joannes was a son of Maria Berlindis Du Mongh and thus a half brother of my ancestor Philippus, who himself was married twice, as was his son Charles.

But our line was not the first Timmermans line in Pamel.

Judocus Timmermans was born ca 1686 - his place of birth is as yet unknown to me - and died in Pamel in 1771 where he had married Martina Beeckmans (Pamel 1700 - 1778). They had nine children. It is not impossible that Judocus was related to Nicolaes (there is a possible common ascendance -  in Gooik ? - and Nicolaes's grandfather was a Judocus)  but I have not researched that point.

By the way,  I descend from Nicolaes and Petronella, but also from a Barbara Timmermans and her husband Christianus Van den Berghe, and it is more than likely that Barbara was a sister of Nicolaes.

Their daughter Petronella Van den Berghe (Meerbeke ca 1766 - 1824) was the second spouse of the forementioned Philippus (son of Nicolaes and Petronella), and they were the parents of my great-great-grandfather Carolus Timmermans (Meerbeke 1812 - 1883), who, by the way, was born when his father was 71 years old and his mother 46 ...


Anonymous said...

Straffe kerels, die Timmermansen ! Si non è vero ...

Pablo Carpintero said...

Alle gegevens werden gecheckt en nogmaals gecheckt. Ze zijn correct en "officieel" onaanvechtbaar.

Pablo Carpintero said...

I forgot to mention Servatius Timmermans born ca 1695 and who married Anna Maria De Pijper in Pamel in 1734. He died in Pamel in 1771.

His first name was rather exceptional in the region.